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Korg Polysix Project Machine

“Vintage Korg Poly Six Synthesizer

In very good condition cosmetically. (one key cracked) Stored in a closet the last 15years.


The KLM 367 board was damaged by corrosion due to battery leakage. When powered on, Bank A,B C and several random program numbers would be on at the same time. There was practically no sounds /output. When trying to load original programs from the tape, it would go immediately to“ERROR” at best. I replaced IC30, IC31, IC23, and IC25. I also tried to repair some of the damaged traces in the battery area using jumper wires on both sides of the board. I replaced the NI CAD battery with a Lithium battery and removedC40 and replaced R91 with a 1S1555 diode.


When powered on only Bank A and Program 1 are on as expected. When I tried to load the original patches “From Tape” the “Found” and “LOAD” LED lights up and programs1 thru 8 light up in sequence as expected with no errors. But no programs are actually loaded. I get the same “STRINGY VIOLIN” at all program numbers. I can now go into “WRITE” mode on a program and change the parameters to whatever I want and it plays just fine. If I leave that program and come back to it, it’s gone. I’m happy to at least get it to point it plays and the parameters are functional. I now noticed there are some dead keys but I don’t want to venture into it any further as I’m only a novice at this type of thing. ” Click here to search for synths on eBay