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ARP Sequencer

“The work required to properly restore these so they’re working as well as possible and hopefully stay that way long into the future is both time consuming and costly and adds great value to this item. This is of course reflected in its higher than usual price. You will not find a better one anywhere.

In addition to any repairs, we did the following to this unit:

-All slide pots have been replaced with new ones – not low quality replicas of the originals but high quality modern pots that feel good and work perfectly.
-Power supply recapped, trim pots replaced.
-Tantalum capacitors replaced.
-Unit disassembled and cleaned inside and out.
-All jacks cleaned.
-Replaced molex connectors (10).
-Replaced 1, 5, 9, 13 LEDs with slightly brighter LEDs so you may be able to better visualize note divisions.
-Replaced original wooden sides with higher quality new ones.
-Installed new nuts and washers for jack board.
-Systematically tested multiple times, with burn in test.

This process required 14 hours of skilled vintage synth tech time plus around $350-400 in parts. Thanks to this significant investment, this ARP Sequencer works like new again and is way better than the rest. Sure to make anyone looking for a perfectly working ARP Sequencer very happy. ” Click here to visit listing on eBay